Tuesday, November 22, 2011


The Thing. The dreaded thing. That thing. Yes, examination. It has this knack of bringing the best out of people. Pressure situations always does. A'int it? So, for the last fortnight or so I was undergoing this dreaded thing and  found myself and others in situations words can't describe. Here I am trying to describe the indescribable.
 - when 5 minutes after you get the question paper all you find in the examination hall are: jawdrops, awe struck gazes, whisperings, a frantic searching for pen and that guy in the corner showing certain selected finger at you (the one near the ring finger).
- you spend almost half an hour humming songs to yourselves and doing nothing else. On hindsight, i'm so thankful Dhanush didn't come up with the kolaveri thing then, else the half an hour limit would have extended to incomprehensible lengths of time .(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR12Z8f1Dh8&feature=aso)
- your first korean movie was on the evening of your last exam. Infact it was a great story. Worth it. A Moment to Remember (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0428870/). Ironically enough I couldn't remember anything worthwhile during the exam next day.
- you finish reading as many as two to three novels during the course of the exam fortnight, whereas till a month ago, you had read just a single novel all through your life.
- you have your neighbours yelling at you from a distance that can be measured in vernier calipers because you where too loud while studying or in displaying frustration over the latest Afridi mishit in Sharjah.

 And after this, what are we treated with? 
Why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di? Awesome. Can't ask for anything better. Can Beti B be named Kolaveri? :P


Anonymous said...

one near the ring finger i can guess and tat kolaveri song would have taken al ur 3 hours..

tat Korean film took al 3 hours of ur hostel mates ..thnkz to the guy wu introduced the film at the very best tym....

Ammar said...

hehe.......kolaveri daaa

Unknown said...

yea ammar, its all kolaveri!!

Unknown said...

need to listen kolaveri as haven't heard it yet and tomorrow is ma internal and everything else written is so true reading six minutes by paulo cohelo awsome book dude :)

Anonymous said...

missed dat korean movie.,.nd u wrote dis after msd xam ryt?